Building iPhone Apps


You might know my friend Dave as one of the guys behind Bob’s Picklepops, but I know him as the old buddy who just can’t stop talking about his brand-new iPad. He’s sifting through the net for good tools to get the Picklepop e-book into the app store quickly and cheaply as both an iPhone app and an iPad app, and he pointed me to these two tools:

Interface is a very, very nice $9.99 mockup and prototyping tool for iPhone that runs on your iPhone. Check out the five-minute video that shows just how much you can do in five minutes with one hand, so to speak.

Yapper gives you a way to turn RSS feeds into not just App store-ready iPhone applications, but Android, Blackberry and iPad apps too. Write no code! WYSIWYG! The app is $99 but the customization options are pretty impressive. You can run an RSS feed from your site through their demo in just a few minutes and see just exactly what you’ll get.