ScaleNine offers a list of 10 Ways to Skin a Flex App. There are lots of great links to resources for skinning your app from CSS to programmatic skinning to 9-slice. What a terrific resource this single webpage is for any developers who work with Flex 2. Even if you are interested in only relatively minor customizations such as adding an exotic font to your app or icons which heighten the visual experience of it for users and improve the overall interface of it, you’ll find it in this listing. This would be an appropriate resource to pass around to your colleagues who also create Flex 2 apps, that is exactly what I did.
Building a Web Application with Ruby on Rails and Amazon S3
Amazon Web Services Developer Connection is starting to gather a great collection of tutorials for using their amazing web services. Building a Web Application with Ruby on Rails and Amazon S3 is one that caught my eye. It is full of short examples that shows virtually every part of the S3 service and how to access it using Rails.  Update: the article to which this post originally pointed has been updated  so I have updated the link to reflect that. Over time Amazon Web services seem to be finding more and more traction with developers and even non-professionals now as an extremely economical storage solution which Amazon has done an excellent job in educating people about.