Instant Rails is a cool project that provides developers with a contained sandbox for working with Ruby on Rails. In fact, Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby, Rails, Apache, and MySQL, all preconfigured and ready to run. No installer is needed as you simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. Â This is a superb tool for developers who are just starting to learn Ruby on Rails but haven’t really progressed past the “playing with it” stage i.e. it doesn’t take a lot of time to set up as it is already preconfigured. I love little time-saving projects like this that generous developers are willing to share with colleagues all over the world.
Free Ruby On Rails Hosting
Now you have no excuse not to try Ruby on Rails. RailsPlayground is offering FREE Ruby On Rails hosting! If you’re like me and you find yourself getting enthusiastic about RoR, hosting like this is a perfect opportunity to begin to build something with your nascent skills.
I’ve already signed up for a hosting package and I’m excited to get creating! Look for lots more posts on Digital Media Minute on Ruby, especially tutorials that will help you get started using it: I have a post coming soon that will list a dozen or so tutorials that I’ve used to learn this terrific new tool.
With your account you get…
- 20 MB Disk Space
- 500 MB/Month Bandwidth
- 1 MySQL Database, 1 PostgreSQL Database
- FastCGI Ruby On Rails Support
- PHP 4.4.0, PERL 5.8.7
- FREE Setup, No Monthly Fee, No Ads on your site.