e-lusion.com is offering a set of nicely designed and simple CSS Free Menu Designs for you to download and use any way you see fit.  CSS is rapidly becoming the method by which web designers use to create virtually everything you see on the web, from designs for menus to almost any other aspect of functionality for websites that you can think of. This is a great set of designs  that you can either use as is, or pick one that strikes your fancy and use it as a foundation for implementing your own ideas, most likely with the help of a designer.
Photo Mosaics for Mac OSX
MacOSaiX is a slick freeware program for MacOSX that allows you to make those nifty mosaic photos. You can choose between a number of different shapes for the mosaic tiles and you can choose between images on your computer or images from Google Images to fill the tiles. Especially since I’m a photography buff I love creating this sort of cutting-edge collage or mosaic; I think it’s a more engaging method of presentation sometimes than simply offering a slide show, which we see so much that they’re starting to feel a little bit boring.
Anyway I tried this out and it could not be easier to install and use. I’m thinking that creating some of these mosaic photos on a rainy day with the kids is a great plan!