Turn you LCD Monitor into a TV

Have a spare LCD monitor kicking around? Xpert TV looks like a cool product that will turn your LCD monitor into a TV or Video Monitor. Okay, maybe you are thinking that with the advent of the Internet you have less need for television than you ever did. Still it’s nice to know that the next time you could use a TV for your spare room or possibly for your kid’s room, that you might be able to spend less money and have a cool project to undertake. Here at Digital Media Minute we are about digital delivery, no matter what screen you are using.

This product retails for about $120CDN.

Low Cost iPods?

CNN reports that it looks like Apple will soon be unveiling lower-cost iPods. This shouldn’t be a total surprise as the usual path for a company who finds itself in possession of very hot product will usually be to start to differentiate it into a whole product line within a couple of years. Apple has shown incredible prescience not only in the development of the iPod itself but also in its marketing and the idea of offering a simpler and cheaper version of the ubiquitous device (and who knows maybe a more expensive version as well?) seems to me to be a smart one. Stay tuned!