PHP Ticketing System

PHP Ticket is an open-source PHP/MySQL based ticketing system that includes user management through sessions, a search function and several other features to simply ticket management.  What a time saver this will be for anyone who makes use of tickets in their organization or as responsible for choosing a process to manage their ticketing system. I haven’t actually tried this myself but by the looks of the screenshots at least it appears to be an extremely user friendly and clear method to set up a system to more easily manage your tickets.

You can also view a demo of the PHP ticket system online.

SQL Editor for Eclipse

DBEdit is a plugin for the Eclipse Workbench that can be used to explore databases, edit tables directly with a spreadsheet like editor, and edit SQL queries. Dan Switzer recently posted his installation notes that should get you up and running with this nice Eclipse plugin and SQL Server 2000.  I am always on the lookout for helpful plug-ins like this that snap on to the side of a development package that I use continuously, and this certainly feel fits the bill. Switzer has been a great source of information for me over the years and this is a superb tool he has created.