Add spacers to the Leopard Dock

If you like to have an organized Dock in OSX, here is a quick hack that will let you organize the applications that live on your dock by placing spacers between them. Here we go…

1. Open Terminal and type (or copy and paste) :

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'

2. While still in Terminal we will restart the Dock by typing:

killall Dock

Once the Dock has restarted, you will see a space between some of your icons. You can reposition the space, by clicking on it and dragging it to a new location. You can also delete it by dragging it off your dock. You can even have many spacers by typing in the above commands as offen as you like!

Is There a Good CVS Client for OSX

A colleague just asked me if I knew of a good CVS client for OSX. Being a Subversion user myself, and having never used CVS, I did not have a recommendation for her.  This is one of the benefits of having a website that is visited thousands of times a day by people from all over the world, many of whom have incredibly good technical knowledge on just about every subject under the sun. So, after all that flattery, I was wondering if anyone reading this would have any experience-based recommendations on a good CVS client for OSX? Please leave a comment. Thanks.