View HTTP Headers in IE

ieHTTPHeaders is an explorer bar for Internet Explorer that will show you the HTTP Headers IE are sending and receiving. This is a minor tweak that will serve to give a little more useful information in the course of your work day.

Mozilla has had a similar extension for a while now, but this link may be useful for those of you who have not yet switched from IE to Firefox. Whoops, are my prejudices showing? Seriously though I wonder how many devout users of Internet Explorer have at least given Firefox a test drive? I would love to know in the comments specific reasons from IE users as to why a might not have done so, if you wouldn’t mind.

What is the Best Font for your Website?

The research paper “A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which Size and Type is Best?” from Usability News involved a research group of sixty participants (16 males and 44 females).

The study explores the following characteristics of fonts used on the Internet:

  • Reading Efficiency
  • Reading Time
  • Perceived Legibility
  • Perceived Attractiveness
  • Font Preference

The paper concludes that “Generally, Times and Arial were read faster than Courier, Schoolbook, and Georgia. Fonts at the 12-point size were read faster than fonts at the 10-point size. In addition, a font type x size interaction was found for the perception of font legibility. In general, however, Arial, Courier, and Georgia were perceived as the most legible. “