Image Magnifier using CSS and JavaScript

The Image Magnifier is a pretty cool combination of CSS and JavaScript. Basically nowadays we have come to the point where any programmer with a creative idea is empowered to make things that are incredibly helpful, fun and potentially enriching— or a combination of all three!

Almost anything you can imagine in the visual realm can be presented on a webpage, and since the distribution, finding and consumption of creative efforts is not a problem anymore for anyone with an Internet connection, the possibilities that are opened up in this brave new world of digital media are, as they say, endless. That’s right, I’m that inspired by this interesting magnifying glass effect over book binding at the link above!

Open Source WYSIWG XHTML Editor

Kupu is a ‘document-centric’ open source client-side editor for Mozilla, Netscape and Internet Explorer. The editor allows you to add WYSIWYG XHTML editing to any of your web applications or content management systems.

What is most impressive about Kupu, is that it uses CSS in favor of HTML for layout and presentation.  I suppose that most applications and tools that I feature on this site wheel gesture points for featuring CSS over antiquated methods that we all know we should be moving away from anyway. Seriously though, if you are still on the fence about Web standards go take a look at Kupu as a glimpse of what the future holds.