Apple Building Mothership-City Council To Approve

People who are irritated by Steve Jobs for one reason or another might want to skip this post, but I found his presentation to the Cupertino city council regarding Apple’s plans for a new campus to be fascinating. He starts with a story of how he called Bill Hewlett one day when he was 13 to ask for some parts and ended up with his first job, and explains that the property in question became available as a result of consolidation at HP.

The centerpiece of the proposed building, assuming Apple gets approval, will be a ring-shaped building in which more than 12,000 people will work. Even Jobs describes it as a spaceship-like. If you’re long Apple stock you’ll be encouraged by the confidence Apple is showing regarding their growth expectations. It’s also amusing to watch the awe-struck council members lob softball questions at him: “What would this expansion do for Cupertino residents?” “Well we are the largest taxpayer in Cupertino.” I’m thinking this expansion is mostly likely a slam dunk…

IOS 5 Features Leaked?

OK forgive the linkbait title, but since it apparently got you here I’ll make it worth your while, because this is funny. This video will have more impact if I say nothing to introduce it, but if you are looking for a chuckle on your Sunday take a look at Simon Pierro’s iPad, sporting some downright unbelievable features that may or may not be included in iOS 5. Okay, they are absolutely not going to be included on IOS 5 but you should still check out the vid! I know it’s been possible for a while but I still find it amazing that someone with a sense of humor can potentially become world-famous for 15 minutes by way of YouTube…