IPad Children’s Book Apps-The Curious Adventures Of Pickle Bob

You have probably heard how children’s books are a particularly strong seller in the App Store, with their possibilities for immersive artwork, audio and other interface features that are well beyond what books can offer.

Writers aren’t the only people interested in creating books-as-apps for mobile platforms. It can’t be a surprise that a new kind of hybrid between children’s storybook and commercial promotional vehicle is on the rise. Even extreme niche products have a chance to compete with established brands in the pregnant chaos that is the App Store, as evidenced by the Bob’s Pickle Pop App now available in the app store.

Processing Excel Tables In Java

Here is a very nice utility for processing Excel tables in Java with an annotation-based approach: the yava Excel stripper.  all that you will require to give this functionality a test run is Excel file, the yava-excel-stripper library, and the Apache POI library of your choice. This tutorial has plenty of code snippets to illustrate, and it covers how to read string columns, non-string columns as well as handling custom conversion when internal conversion fails. This is another what I would call longtail solutions that are contained within the incredibly complex code.google.com website. You may already be aware of this library if you are a Java developer but I thought it was worth posting anyway.